Quintum Tenor Configuration Manager
Quintum Technologies, Inc.
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Make Systemwide, Ethernet, VoIP and Circuit configurations to your Tenor unit. Works with Tenor AF, AS, AX, BX, CMS, CR60, Call Reply SP and DX.
Through Tenor Configuration Manager, you can configure all parameters of the Tenor unit, including all call-related functions. This application was designed to run on any PC running Windows 2000 or Windows XP (see system requirements in Chapter 2), and supports the following Quintum products:
•Tenor DX
•Tenor AX
•Tenor AS
•Tenor AF
•Tenor BX
•Tenor CMS
• Tenor Call Relay SP
• Tenor CR 60
To access the Tenor unit, you simply designate the IP address of the Tenor product you would like to
configure or monitor.
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